
ものすごく深く眠れる BGM少し聴くだけで心穏やか [トリガミ]

ものすごく深く眠れるBGM 少し聴くだけで心穏やかにぐっすり眠れる ソルフェジオ音階で脳をリラックス状態にし疲れもとれる 癒やされながら質の高い眠りを…聴きながらスーッと睡眠導入ストレス緩和疲労回復

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能無し転生~中身は最 強の武人!~#23[IQIY [制作サイド]




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TheSecretN aziUFOProject- [トリガミ]

The Secret Nazi UFO Project - Forbidden History - S02 EP5 - History Documentary

Explore the mysteries surrounding the alleged Nazi development of advanced flying craft during World War II. Discover how the Nazis, in collaboration with American and Russian forces, sought to acquire groundbreaking technology. This secret research facility in Northern Germany became the birthplace of a revolutionary aircraft known as the Flying Saucer. Delve into the strange experimental Nazi aircraft that predated the war's end and examine the possibility of prototype German flying saucers. Uncover the motivations behind the Nazis' quest for military supremacy, their willingness to sacrifice thousands to protect their secrets, and the potential ramifications that could have altered history forever.


Explore the untold secrets and hidden truths of our past in the gripping documentary series Forbidden History. Hosted by the enigmatic Jamie Theakston, this captivating show delves into controversial theories, ancient enigmas, and suppressed historical events. Uncover the mysteries behind ancient artifacts, delve into forgotten civilizations, and challenge conventional narratives. Through in-depth investigations and expert interviews, Forbidden History sheds light on intriguing topics such as conspiracy theories, lost treasures, paranormal phenomena, and hidden codes. Prepare to embark on a captivating journey through time as you question established beliefs, uncover long-held secrets, and unlock the forbidden chapters of our shared history. Brace yourself for a thought-provoking exploration of forbidden knowledge, as we unravel the enigmatic tapestry of human civilization. Join us as we delve into the depths of the past, seeking answers and unveiling the fascinating mysteries that have shaped our world. Are you ready to challenge the established historical accounts and discover the forbidden truths that lie beneath the surface?


Welcome to Banijay History, the ultimate destination for history buffs and enthusiasts! Our YouTube channel features an extensive collection of history documentaries, historical TV series, and full-length history documentary series that cover everything from ancient history to military history and beyond.

Our channel provides a captivating insight into the past, exploring fascinating historical events and stories from around the world. Whether you're interested in world war documentaries, the history of the world, or true historical documentary series, we have something for everyone. Our history channel features a range of documentaries, including military documentary history channel series that take you on a journey through some of the most significant conflicts in history. We also have a wide selection of full-length history documentaries that offer a deep dive into some of the most interesting historical events.

If you're a fan of the history TV genre, Banijay History is the perfect channel for you. We offer the best historical TV shows and documentaries, providing a comprehensive overview of the history of the world. So, if you're looking for an interesting and informative history channel documentary, look no further than Banijay History.

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